Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Characters

I thought it might be interesting to see a few of the people I have been living with the past few months.

To raise money for a charity called Children in Need the school set up a variety of activities
 that for a small price you could take part in. For 50p you could watch one of the older students get pelted with a sponge coated in beans and disgusting bean juice. Strange way to raise money for the charity, but together the school ended up raising over 900 pounds! Also for 2 pounds you could wear own clothes (middle picture)…a luxury I've greatly missed!

(L-R Calen, Carmen, Will)
Yesterday Carmen and I went to the astroturf in Berwick along with some
of our friends from school. We helped out with an area hockey tournament
for girls 11 and under. Although we didn't get to referee any games we
helped out keeping score and passed out teas, coffees and biscuits!

Sherry (L) is like a big sister in the boarding house. She is always giving Carmen and I advice along with her roommate Kelsey (not pictured). Ilona (M) and James (R) studying hard during quiet time.

Robert (L) diligently
memorizing his music
composition. He is
amazing at art and
music, especially the
piano! He is a child

Murtada (R)
is the newest addition
to the boarding family
from Saudi Arabia!
He's a character and
loves Carmen's
Spanish accent.

This is the best picture William would
let me take of him. I don't know lots
about him, but he is from China and
when you listen close enough he has
a hilarious sense of humor.

Kieren (L) is an AMAZING football
and rugby player. He plays rugby for 
the school and Carmen (R) and I always
go cheer him on when we can!

Michelle is another big sister in the boarding house. She and her two twin sisters
Yamie and Yelita come from Zimbabwe. She is head girl in the school and helps
in the boarding house to make sure everyone's opinions are represented. On top
of all of this she has a job in Berwick working in a grocery store. She is such a
hard worker and is so easy to get along with.

(L-R) Cameron, Aiden and Cade horsing
around on the boy's floor as usual...

Carmen's automatic position after
we get home from school.

Leo, Aaron and Sam. The future businessmen of our world.

Elina, one of two Russians in the boarding house, and her roomie Angel. These two are the same age as Carmen and I. We have a few classes together and they are very smart!

Cameron and Aiden are the youngest boarders and are very cute and well-behaved.

Of course this is not everyone and I have made many new friends who are only day pupils, but these were the ones I got pictures of! Maybe I'll update this post once I've taken a few more...

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